Thursday, June 23, 2011

Comparing the NEA records and our records (WIND VANE)

Hey guys, as June hasn't end yet, the NEA people have not posted up the weather records for June. And since we have to post this up by the end of the School Holidays, we compared our records, for the WIND VANE, against the NEA records for May 2011.

Just so if you are wondering where we got our information from, we actually got it from the NEA website and downloaded the pdf file.

Just so to let you know, to see the picture, click on it. :D

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The making of the Wind Vane

Few days ago, we made the Wind Vane! Here are some pictures!!
 As shown above, those are the things u need to make a wind vane:
  • A drinking straw
  • Scissors
  • An index card
  • A red marker
  • A straight pin
  • A pencil with an eraser
  • Paper clips
  • A flowerpot with soil
  • A compass
Now we start making!! :D

Step 1:
Make a 1 inch (2.5 cm) vertical slit in one end of the straw.

Step 2:
Using an index card, cut out am arrow tail and glue it into the cut end of the straw.
Step 3:
Mark the other end of the straw with the red marker red.

Step 4:
Insert the straight pin through the straw about 2 inches (5 cm) from the arrow.

Step 5:
Form the letters N, S, E and W from unbent paper clips and wind them around the pencil, 1 inch (2.5 cm) below the arrow.


Monday, June 6, 2011

We are making an ANEMOMETER ! :)

Hey! A few days ago ,we decided to make an Anemometer. So we met in the Woodlands Regional Library to do it. Here are the pictures of us making the Anemometer !  

Meena taking out the things that we needed to make  the Anemometer

Dini looking for Information on the Internet...

Time to make the Anemometer !!

But first , The things you will need ...

Things You'll Need

  • 5 plastic cups (3 oz.)
  • Hole puncher
  • 2 plastic straws
  • Stapler
  • Scissors
  • Pencil (non-mechanical, with intact eraser)
  • Push pin
  • Ruler
Now , we start making it !!!

Step 1: 
Punch a hole in one of the cups, about 1/2 inch below its rim. Repeat with three of the other cups.

Step 2:
Punch four holes in the fifth cup, about 1/4 inch below the cup's rim and equidistant from each other. (To do this, punch two holes on opposite sides of the cup. Then punch two more holes directly between the original two holes, on either side.)

Step 3:
Use the scissors to cut an additional hole directly in the center of the bottom of the fifth cup. The hole should be about as big as the punched holes.

Step 4:
Slide a straw through the hole in the side of one of the first four cups. Fold over the end of the straw and staple it to the inside of the cup to hold it in place.

Step 5:
Slide the rest of the straw through two of the holes in the fifth cup, and then through the hole in another of the first four cups. Bend the end of the straw and staple it to the inside of the cup, making sure that the two end cups face in opposite directions

Step 6:  
Repeat Steps 4 and 5, using the remaining two cups. Make sure that all of the cups are facing in the same direction (clockwise or counterclockwise).

This is how it should look like !

             A little Adjustments ...(for pictures above and below).....

Step 7:
Push the pencil up through the hole in the center cup, eraser-side up. Then press a pushpin into the intersecting area of the two straws and jam it into the eraser as far as it will go.

 This would be how it should look like ...

Step 8:  
Make a mark on one of the cups. You can use this mark to measure how quickly your anemometer is spinning. By counting how times the marked cup makes a complete circle, you can tell how many revolutions your anemometer has made.Then , you...DECORATE IT !
Marking a big ,blue spot...

 Meena very engrossed in the decorating..shh...don't disturb...

 Using Blue-tack to secure it...

And there ! Our very own Anemometer ! Yippee !!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


To, the people reading this blog,
                     Hello! Just a small intro to add to our blog before we start posting anything related to Geography... As you may know, we're Dini, Jolene, Meena, Rishi and Shalini from class 1E4. In our blog, we'll mainly post facts about weather instruments such as how to make a weather instruments, how a certain wether instrument came about, etc. So we hope you'll like our blog!

Your's Sincerely ,
Dini, Jolene, Meena, Rishi and Shalini